Identify the various keys and use of specific keys on the keyboard

You write using a pencil or pen on a sheet of paper. In a computer, writing is called typing. We use a keyboard for typing. Now we Identify the various keys and use of specific keys on the keyboard.

A keyboard has many keys. By pressing these keys, you can type letters, symbols, and numbers. Apart from typing, you can also perform various operations through keyboard keys. sometimes, you press two or more keys together to perform a certain function quickly, those combination of keys are called keyboard shortcuts.

A cursor is a small blinking vertical line. It indicates the current location where we can type. Let us learn about the function of various keys of a keyboard.

Alphabat Keys

The alphabet keys are used to type letters, words, and sentences. There are twenty-six alphabet keys on the keyboard from A to Z.

Number Keys

The number keys are used to type numbers on the computer. There are ten number keys on the keyboard from 0 yo 9. There are some keyboards that have number keys on the right side. This section is called Numeric Keypad.

Space Bar

The space bar is used to give blank spaces between letters, words, and numbers while typing. It is the longest key on the keyboard.

Identify the various keys and use of specific keys on the keyboard
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Tab Key

The Tab key is used to move the cursor several places forward.

Enter Key

The Enter key moves the cursor to the next line. Sometimes, it is also used to complete some functions.

Delete Key

It is used to correct mistakes while typing. When we press this key, the letter on the right side of the cursor gets removed. It is also used to delete files from the computer.

Backspace Key

Like Delete key, this key is also used to correct mistakes. When we press it, the letter on the left side of the cursor gets deleted.

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Suppose we have typed the word compuuter. We want to correct the spelling by removing the extra U. We can remove extra letters by using the Backspace or the Dlete key.

Let us see how.

Place the cursor in between the two u like this, compu I uter. Now if we press the Backspace key, the U on left side of the cursor will be deleted. If you press the Delete key, the U on the right side of the cursor will be deleted.

Caps lock

When we press this key once, Caps Lock gets ON. When we press this key once again, Caps Lock gets OFF. when Caps Lock os ON, the letters we type appear in capitals. For example, if we type the word monitor with Caps Lock ON, it will appear as MONITOR.

Shift key

The Shift key is used for many shortcuts. For example, by pressing the Shift key and any alphabet key together, we can type a capital letter.

Look at the number keys on the keyboard. These keys have some special symbols !, @, #, &, $, *, (,), in the upper part. We can type these symbols by pressing these keys along with the Shift key. For example, if we press Shift+4, then $ will appear on the screen.

Identify the various keys and use of specific keys on the keyboard
Photos Credit Google

Control (Ctrl) Key

The Ctrl key is pressed with the other keys to turn on keyboard shortcuts. The shortcut keys are bused to perform various actions quickly.

Arrow Keys

There are four arrow keys on the keyboard. These keys are used to move the cursor up, down, left, and right while typing. We also use these keys when we play games on the computer.

Now We Know

  • A keyboard has different types of keys for different functions.
  • The alphabet keys are marked from A to Z. These are used to type letters, words, and sentences.
  • The number keys are used to type numbers.
  • The space bar is used to add spaces between letters, symbols, word, or sentences.
  • The Enter key is used to move the cursor to the next line.
  • The Backspace and Delete keys are used to correct our mistakes.
  • The Caps Lock is used to type in capital letters.
  • The Tab key is used to move the cursor several places forward.
  • The Shift key is used along with other keys.
  • The arrow keys are used to move the cursor up, down, left, and right.
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