Durga Puja is a beautiful representation of Indian culture.

Durga Puja is a beautiful representation of Indian culture. As both nature and creation have moved to harness the feminine and maternal energy. The environment is full of intoxicants. The rains have subsided, winter has set in, and everything from villages to cities is full of celebrations. Morning after morning the praises of the Goddess fall in the ear “Ya Devi Sarvabhiteshu Shaktiruperana Sanstita Namastesai Namastesai Namastesai Namo Namah”.
A strange sensation takes place in the mind. Durga sheep can be found in every town and village. People look forward to the arrival of Durga Puja throughout the year, with pies being baked at home. How long has the tradition of wearing new clothes and meeting friends been going on?
Durga Puja represents the victory of truth over falsehood, the victory of divine power over assyrian power. Maa Durga did the tyrant Asura, in the Mahasthami of Mahishasur. Three people were lost in the tyranny of Mahisasur. Even the gods could not muster the courage to fight Mahisasur.
Mother Durga then fought with Mahisasur alone and killed him and established peace among the three. A woman is the image of motherhood for a tolerant child, but when that woman sees that creation is about to be destroyed, the CA takes up arms and puts a full stop to the tyranny of the tyrant. Our ancient men understood the greatness in women.

So, in honor of female power, he gave place to this worship and worship in his life. Durga Puja lasts for 9 days and is called Navaratra. 9 forms of mother are worshiped on these 9 days. On the 10th day, the rabbit is burnt. The 10th day is also known as ‘Bijaya Dashami’ or Dushara. The rabbi is a symbol of arrogance and tyranny.
A woman feels weak and helpless, so for ten days, rabban baddha or rabban dahan is the victory song of female power.