The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has released vacancies of pharmacists.

Advertisement to fill up the vacancies of pharmacists under of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) . The submission of online applications through the official website will commence on August 28 and continue till September 28.
Pharmacist Vacancy Details
Pharmacist under Directorate Prison & Correctional Services- 23 posts
Pharmacist under Directorate of Printing, Stationery & Publication- 1 post
Age limit
18-38 years. The upper age limit is relaxable for candidates belonging to reserved categories.
Pay Matrix Level and scale of pay as per 7th pay commission (Level 7 of ORSP, 2017)
The Recruitment process consists of the following stages:-
A Preliminary Examination shall be conducted. Details about the type of questions, mode of examination, duration of the examination and number of questions for the Preliminary Examination will be shared in due course on the website. If the number of valid applications is more than 9000,
Main Written Examination:-Technical paper: 200 Marks
Certificate Verification
Candidates numbering 02(two) times of the vacancies advertised (Post Wise &Category-wise) shall be shortlisted for Certificate Verification based on the marks secured in the Main Written Examination.
How to Apply
Candidate may apply for the post as per her/his eligibility as per terms of the advertisement. All eligible candidates have to register themselves by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE” button on the home page of the Commission’s website