Deepavali is an elaborately decorated festival of lights.

Deepavali is the festival of lights; But people today are enamored with a sub-culture or sub-tradition of celebrating Diwali with fireworks. Deepavali or Diwali refers to the elaborately decorated lights. The festival is celebrated for three days in some places from the Krushnapakshya Triodashi in the month of Kartik; But we celebrate two days of Diwali on the last two days of Krushnapakshya in the month of Kartik.
On the same day, Govardhan Puja is performed along with Shraddha in Mahalaya rules. On this Kartik Amavasya, the unseen ancestors of the fathers are bid farewell by lighting lamps. Along with this, Adhyashakti Ma-Kali is worshiped in different parts of India. Mother Kali is Brahman, eternal and the source of world creation. Karalavadani Mahakali, though she appears fierce, has a very emotional and pious heart. He appears auspiciously on Diwali Tithi of Mahakarthika for the good of the world.
According to folklore, Lakshmi-Narayan’s marriage took place on this day. Goddess Kali is worshiped on this day in Bangladesh. And some say that on the day Lord Shriramchandra returned to Ayodhya after his exile, he welcomed the people of Ayodhya by lighting lamp garlands in all the cities and villages. It is the light of the lamp. Along with this, Banphuta is now being cultivated as a joint festival. Which is unreasonable. Srikrishna of Dwapa era killed Narakasura on the eve of Diwali. It is called Narak Chaturdashi and Soli Diwali.
On the eve of Narkasur’s killing day Deepavali, oil bathing is prohibited in the scriptures, while oil bathing and bathing is very important on this Naraka Chaturdashi. On this day, after eating at night, the family members use the cubs throughout the year, so that the evil eye does not come. On this day, everyone wears new clothes to Lakshmi for wealth and Lakshmi increase, prosperity etc. The plate is decorated with auspicious items such as gold, silver, Thakur idol, Arua rice, Guru’s photo, cow calf idol, curd, milk, vermilion, white flower, Satshastra, ghee etc. As a result, members of the house and visiting guests get a chance to see good fortune.

The next day, the Gujarati community celebrates the New Year. This festival lasted for about five days. The doorway and the gate of the house are decorated with branches of mango, lemon, juniper, ashoka. By touching these leaves, the healing air that goes into the house helps to keep everyone healthy. Lamps are also offered to Yama. Tussi tree is worshipped. In ancient times it was named as ‘Dipotsava’. It is said that it is auspicious to buy new things, metals etc. on Diwali day. It starts from Dhanda Triodashi (Dhanteras). Yamdev, Kubera and Dhanantari are worshiped on this day.
On the second day, Narak Chaturdashi, on the third day is Lakshmi’s sunrise day and Deepotsava, and so on. Annakoot or Govardhan is worshiped on the fourth day. On this day, donating clothes and food to Gomata is more important. On the fifth day, in the second half of the fraternity, the brother and the sister eat sweets and wish the brother good luck. The tradition of making your sister happy by giving her brother clothes, ornaments, sweets, etc. is very encouraging.
Deepavali being a public festival creates an atmosphere of friendship among all communities. Unity is established. Employers provide new clothes to employees working in different organizations. Diwali festival is unique in South India. In that region, people wake up from Brahmamuhurt, bathe in oil and wear new clothes, and distribute sweets. There is a tradition of burning the effigy of Narakasu by lighting a fire. Forgetting discrimination, everyone rejoices with love and respect for each other. They consider morning oil bath as Gangasana.
It is universally agreed that getting out of bed at 4 am every morning is very beneficial for health. Along with health benefits, it is also a tool for spiritual improvement. Leaving the bed from the moment of Brahma means coming to spiritual consciousness and concentrating on worship. Daylight is considered a good system for this. Merchants in North India open new accounts on this day. He prays to God for the prosperity of his business in the coming years.

He keeps the house clean and decorated very nicely. In the evening, the outside of the house is decorated with lights. These impressive lights can be seen in Mumbai and Amritsar. Especially the steps of the sacred pool in the premises of the Zawaramandri in Amritsar are decorated with innumerable lamps which make it very attractive and beautiful. On this day, Vaishnavs worship Giri Govardhan and give food to the devotees.
The golden rays of the sun, the rosy rays of the moon, the light of the planets, the flame of fire or the flash of electricity that is near to extinction, that divine light is Parambrahma. By concentrating on that self-luminous line, one observes a divine light.
Deepavali is actually the festival of lamps, we have fallen into an apo-tradition of lighting the earth by lighting lamps or shooting arrows to ward off darkness. It is true that we keep the darkness away by lighting a lamp outside; But without turning on the light of our inner light, we remain enthralled in the darkness of ignorance.

It is a real fact that the darkness of Amavasya fills the human mind. The light is burning in the house or the mind is full of senseless darkness. On this occasion, let the light shine in everyone’s heart, let the heart be sensitive. May all benefit greatly. May the entire human society be possessed of spiritual wealth. May it be our duty to pray to the Father for spiritual and spiritual prosperity.