Shortcut Keys of Microsoft Windows and basic about WordPad

Know about WordPad
WordPad is a program to type text in the computer create documents. We can use Shortcut Keys in wordpad applications. Also we can type letters, poems, stories, and create many types of documents using the wordpad program.
WordPad program is a part of MS Windows Accessories. Different components of WordPad are the File menu, title bar, ribbon, documents area, and the zoom slider. We can change the front type, front size, and font colour of the text in a WordPad document.

List Of some MS Windows keyboard Shortcut Keys
Shortcut keys on Windows are combinations of sticky keys, such as Ctrl, Alt and Shift, with a range of keys. From basic tasks such as accessing the Start menu without needing the mouse, to shifting across browser tabs, keyboard shortcuts can cover a wide range of tasks without needing mouse or trackpad pointers.
SL No | Key Combination | Action |
1 | Alt + F | File menu option in the current program. |
2 | Alt + E | Edits option in the current program. |
3 | F1 | Universal Help (for any program). |
4 | Ctrl + A | Select All Text. |
5 | Ctrl + X | Cuts the selected item. |
6 | Ctrl +Del | Delete the selected item. |
7 | Ctrl + C | Copy the selected Item. |
8 | Ctrl + Ins | Copy the selected Items. |
9 | Ctrl + V | Paste the selected Items |
10 | Shift + Ins | Paste the selected Items |
11 | Home | Takes the user to the beginning of the current line. |
12 | Ctrl + Home | Go to the beginning of the document. |
13 | End | Go to the end of the current line |
14 | Ctrl + End | Go to the end of the document |
15 | Shift + Home | Highlight from current position to beginning of the line. |
16 | Shift + End | Highlight from current position to end of the line. |
17 | Ctrl + (Left arrow) | Move one word to the left at a time. |
18 | Ctrl + (Right arrow) | Move one word to the Right at a time. |
19 | Alt + Tab | Switch between open applications. |
20 | Alt + Shift + Tab | Switch backward between open applications. |
21 | Alt + Print + Screen | Create screenshot for the current program. |
22 | Ctrl + Alt + Del | Reboot/ windows task manager. |
23 | Ctrl + Esc | Bring uo the start menu. |
24 | Alt + Esc | Switch between application on the taskbar. |
25 | F2 | Rename selected Items. |
26 | F3 | Start find from the desktop. |
27 | F4 | Open the drive slection when browsing. |
28 | F5 | Refresh contents. |
29 | Alt + F4 | Close current open program. |
30 | Ctrl + F5 | Close window in program. |
31 | Alt + Enter | Open properties window of selected icon or program. |
32 | Shift + F10 | Simulate right click on selected Item. |
33 | Shift + Del | Delete Programs/ Files Permanently. |