Recruitment to the post Radiographers in various district of Odisha

Application are invited online through the OSSSC official website for recruitment to the post Radiographers (District cadre Group C posts ) in various district establishments and medical colleges and hospitals under Health and Family Welfare Departments of Govt of Odisha.

Interested candidates can apply for the vacancies through the official website from 20.09.2023. The last date for submission of applications is 20.10. 2023.

Vacancy details and Pay Scale 

The recruitment drive intends to fill up a total of 414 vacancies of Radiographer. And Scale of Pay and Pay matrix level 1 Radiographer Pay Scale: Rs 25500-81100, Pay Matrix level-7, Cell-01.

Age & Educational Qualification 

A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above the age of 38 years as on the date of advertisement. Date of birth as recorded in the HSC Certificate issued by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or equivalent certificate issued by recognized Board/Council/Indian University shall only be accepted.

Recruitment to the post Radiographers in various district of Odisha
Photos Credit Google

The upper limit of Relaxable by 5 years for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/SEBC/Women Catagory.

In order to be eligible, a candidate must have passed the +2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha or equivalent, Diploma in Medical Radiation Technology (DMRT) from any Government or any other private institutions recognised by Government of Odisha or All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).

If any candidate has obtained higher qualifications, like Bachelor in Medical Radiation Technology (BMRT) or Master in Medical Radiation Technology (MRT), they shall also be eligible to apply provided they have obtained the basic qualification i.e., Diploma in Medical Radiation Technology (DMRT).

How to Apply

Step by step procedure for registration/ re-registration/ application can be viewed by clicking on “How do I register/re-register/apply” on the Home page of the Commission’s 

There shall be counselling for choice of district. The shortlistred candidates, category/special category wise shall be called counselling as per the advertised vacancies for the above post.

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